Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Only a Matter of Time...

...until he figures out how to get that other leg over the side. Then we are all in for some real fun!


Anonymous said...

LOL! That's for sure! We are on night and nap #2 in a big boy bed. This is round 2 since the first go-round he refused to actually take a nap..he'd just get right out. Fingers crossed this time goes better!

Jess said...

Maybe it's time for a big boy bed? Although, he looks like he is having a good time being a monkey :P

Alicia said...

Have you started laying out pillows all around the crib yet? I'm so afraid of this, too.

Kate said...

When did he grow up? He looks so tall! I'm surprised he hasn't tried to step over the side and hop on the rocker yet.;)

Annita said...

He's into super-heroes, huh? Batman pajamas (or maybe mommy just wanted him to have those!!!), Spider Man doll, he should be able to fly out of there! ;-)
BTW, your paint scheme is exactly the same as in my son's room, only different colors.